I could sit and watch S play all day. Her contentedness is contagious. It's also fascinating.
I love the sociability of children with their ability to make friends without hesitation, restraint or complication. I sat in the shallows at the swimming pool this morning as S went off to play with another little girl.
Her technique is simple but remarkable effective: she mimics their behaviour, jumping as they do, splashing just like them and then she shares something with them, a float or her toy. It works every time. They play beautifully until one of us parents decides we're too wrinkled or cold from inactivity to sit watching them any longer.
It doesn't seem to work for me though. Whenever I try to make friends by imitating a stranger I usually end up being thumped. Or cautioned.
Thankfully some bloggers can write. My thanks for this piece of writing!!
Posted by: criminal attorney wv | Sunday, 18 December 2011 at 08:07 AM