Transport for London lies to me. Virgin Trains lies to me. Regularly. Like clockwork.
The train due to arrive at 8.48 is not 'on time' when it pulls up at 8.59. The 17.12 isn't 'on time' if it still hasn't reached the station at 17.16 - no matter how much the sign tells me it is.
Lies. Damned lies.
It's the arbitrary redefinition of commonly understood words that infuriates me most. Especially when the new 'official' version is simply an excuse to cover some ineptitude or disguise some meaningless change. Like the 'improved service' that speeds up journey times by not stopping for passengers or obscuring reality to meet punctuality targets.
I know it's only a few minutes. Fuss over nothing; inconsequential maybe. But not for us poor souls with somewhere to go.
When I arrive for the 17.33 at 17.34 and declare I'm on time, They tell me I am too late. Trying to get Them to explain the inconsistency does not bring the train back.