I feel bad. But not that bad. That makes me feel badder. I told someone off. An old lady. In a shop. I don't think we should tell old people off. It just feels wrong. Even if we're right.
She ignored the queue, you see. And us patient queuers. She simply pushed, ever so politely mind, with feeble little Excuse Me's, to the front.
"Can I just drop this off?" She asked without asking and depositing the container on the counter. "I'll pick it up later."
The assistant had to stop serving his current customer.
'I'll have to take some details'
"Oh really?" She queried with feigned innocence as though he should know who she was and know all about her deposit immediately.
It took five minutes to take her details with various clarifications and corrections. It was more than enough time for me to become quite cross. I had a train to catch. I had waited my turn.
'How terribly rude.' I said as she turned to leave.
"Oh dear" she said, "Have I done something wrong?" As though the rules of common courtesy become redundant after the age of fifty.
'You pushed in.' I pointed out. 'There's a queue here.' I meant me.
"I've been looking after a hundred year old lady for eighteen hours a day for last three months" she offered in way of explanation. The other customers who had suddenly materialised around us, nodded as though they understood.
'I'm sorry to hear that, I really am, but it's no excuse for being rude. Look,' I said gesturing towards the other customers, 'I don't see why you couldn't just wait patiently like the rest of us. This is England, you know.'
She'd already gone. Only the reproachful looks of the other shoppers remained. And the occasional 'tut.'
Old people hey!! They'l be wearing Hoodies next.
This country has gone to the dogs, im off to Russia where queues still have clear quidlines.
Posted by: Jon | Friday, 06 June 2008 at 01:56 PM
Wow! I have to say...I've always wanted to tell an old person off for pushing in.
Sometimes, in bus queues, I get teh feeling that when they look at me, they are thinking "You know I'm going to push in. There is nothing you can do to stop it."
Kudos to you.
Posted by: Robbie | Monday, 09 June 2008 at 07:17 AM
Grannies in hoodies - it's a frightening thought Jon. Still at least the Russian mafia will keep things under control there.
I feel slightly better for your comment, Robbie. I'm still scarred by the tut-tut-tutting of my fellow shoppers though. And the withering look from the Wrinkly herself.
Posted by: Carlton | Wednesday, 11 June 2008 at 09:58 AM