If only I’d realised earlier. I never knew it was this easy.
As one who likes to follow the latest fashions from a healthy distance, usually two or three years after everyone else, I thought I would try one of these social networking sites. Apparently a lot easier than having actual friends.
After adding all the required information for my public profile, you know the sort of thing, date of birth, place of birth, mother’s maiden name, name of my first pet, every PIN number I have and assorted bank account details, it asked me for my relationship status. And it did a marvellous thing.
As I entered T’s name, the system, rather generously I thought, offered me every single ‘Tracey’ in the entire network. There were thousands of them, all helpfully accompanied by a photograph and the invitation to ‘Choose as spouse.’
I wish someone had told me sooner: it would have saved all sorts of mucking about.
OOOOHHH I might try that. As you say, much simpler than the traditional method.
Posted by: LondonGirl | Saturday, 10 November 2007 at 11:03 AM
Though boringly, I believe they would have to accept my marriage, wouldn't they?
Posted by: LondonGirl | Saturday, 10 November 2007 at 11:04 AM