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Mrs RW

Have you ever thought that as hard as it is for you (well, maybe not YOU, but her kids) to say good-bye that it's even harder for her?

Dying is a series of letting go. Letting go of things, places, and finally, people. Maybe pushing you all away is how her mind copes with it: if SHE lets go, than you'll all have to.

Mrs RW

the above was from the memoirs of Mrs RW, former hospice nurse...


Wise words, Mrs RW. Thanks. c

Mrs RW

I really am sorry that your family is going through such a hard time right now. Please give my bestest thoughts to T; I'm thinking and praying for all of you.


Absoutely you need to worry when she stars being soft. And I find with bristly people that they're often the most caring - they just don't know how to show it.

I hope T gets better. And it's not too hard on you all.

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