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Mrs RW

I always thought you British were a rather reserved lot, but it appears that there's snogging going on everywhere over there!

Maybe it's you. Just the sight of you impassions everyone around you and they can't help themselves. They have to do it NOW!

Whatever it is, perhaps you should look into marketing that Chufty substance as the new aphrodisiac.


It is entirely plausible, Mrs RW. I do seem to inflame situations almost effortlessly. Not quite sure it's always an aphrodisiac though. Or maybe that in my particular slice of life, the inhabitants don't feel the need for any kind of reserve?! c.


Whatever it is, perhaps you should look into marketing that Chufty substance as the new aphrodisiac.


I'm not sure another dangerous substance unleashed on the general public is necessarily a good idea, Juno! After all, look what it's done to Britney Spears!


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