People call me crazy all the time. Not in the 1970s American “You’re crazy, man” sort of way. Or in the 1980s British ‘wacky’ way. Just in the plain old simple, “You’re out of your mind” way. I’d like to believe it’s eccentrically attractive but then I’d like to believe in the tooth-fairy and comfortable Underground rides too; I know, deep down, that they are all completely out of the question.
Baby has just had two courses of antibiotics to shake off an ear infection. Chicken pox is going round her nursery. I’m about to put her onto an eleven and half hour flight. To the sub-tropics. A lot of people are saying I’m out of my mind. I tell them of her extensive travelling experience so far - a couple of hours in the car. They shake their heads and try to recall the number for Social Services.
Most parents that have attempted something similar advise drugs. Most non-parents suggest travelling separately. And not on their plane.
Still, I have attempted to mitigate the experience. We will be flying by day. Fewer people will be trying to sleep. All we need to do is keep Little S amused. For eleven and a half hours. How hard can it be? We do it all the time at home. Of course at home we have space and her toys and the garden and nice walks and quiet and her own bed and everything to hand. And our staircase isn’t 35,000 feet high.
What’s the worse that can happen? She might cry. For eleven and a half hours. That’s six hundred and ninety minutes. Most people can tolerate a screaming baby for about thirty seconds. Oh God. What have I done?
Holy Cow man. You are indeed crazy.
I suggest taking some creme de cassis with you. Mixed with lemonade it tastes like ribena and has a remarkable soothing/sleep-making effect on small children.
Worked on me apparently when my courageous/foolhardy parents attempted to drive to Morrocco with three children under five.
Posted by: LondonGirl | Monday, 19 March 2007 at 05:24 PM
Driving to Morocco, with a gaggle of toddlers, LondonGirl?! That is amazing. And crazy. I feel a kindred spirit with your parents. You're not scarred by it all are you?!! c.
Posted by: Carlton | Monday, 19 March 2007 at 09:06 PM