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The Boy Who Likes To

How sweet of her.
I hope she is better soon.


Thanks. In her brighter moments she amuses herself by blowing bubbles from her nose. She is our Little Soldier. c.

Mrs RW

There's nothing quite so sweet as green snot all over your shoulder. But, as mothers always say, "better out than in". This holds true for all kinds of things that cause illness. Use your imagination and be thankful it's not the OTHER stuff on your shirt...


You know Mrs RW, you're right. Suddenly it doesn't seem quite so bad!!! Although I have to say, those antibiotics aren't doing the other end much good... c.


My niece got ill and ended up with snot coming out of her eyes too. My parents' dog licked her face all over (our reactions were too slow to pull the dog away) and she was cured in an instant. No more snotty eyes. Ever again.

Not sure the doc would have recommended it tho.

Hope the antibiotics kick in soon.


It's the spontaneous vomiting in your bed that comes next. An even more extreme version of this mixture of sympathy and affront.


LondonGirl - I couldn't borrow your dog could I?

And Tom, hmmm, can't wait for the vomit. There's something to look forward to... c.

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