There was once a time, not so long ago, when I couldn’t get the damn things in. Now I’m so used to them and so weary from a renewed outbreak of Sleepless Child that this morning when I went to put my contact lenses in, I realised I hadn’t taken them out. Overnight those wretched pieces of plastic had glued themselves to my already bloodshot eyes. Still it did explain my virtual blindness when I woke. I spent the morning fumbling around the house bearing a strong resemblance to Heidi’s blind grandmother.
I've been lucky to of never done that, as I used to wear my contacts mainly when going out for weekend drinks and sleeping is easier when drunk.
How did you manage to un glue yourself?
Posted by: The Boy Who Likes To | Monday, 11 December 2006 at 04:38 PM
Crowbar. In the end it was the only way.
But, oh, those memories, of going out, in the time Before Baby...
Posted by: Carlton | Tuesday, 12 December 2006 at 07:03 AM