There is a set of conversation topics that usually only surface with alcohol-induced buoyancy. It includes The Clangers, spending lottery winnings and the colour of participants’ underwear. This week one of that set has escaped the world of fermented sugars. “What Super Power would you want?” Simultaneously betraying an excessive amount of time daydreaming and simple, childish, tastes, I had an answer instantly. Most sober people that I asked had to think. “To fly” I said without hesitation. Thankfully, I’m not the only daydreamer, some people really have thought about it: ‘I wouldn’t want to fly,’ he said, ‘The wind would make my eyes run and I’d arrive covered in splattered inspects and flies.’ It’s a fair point, I conceded. ‘Teleporting, it’s the only way. But actually, I’d really want to be able to project images into someone else’s mind so they believed it was true. But not like hypnotism. “Eh?” was my best intellectual reaction, “To do what?” It was such a refined wish that I knew it must have fairly sophisticated reasoning behind it and was probably the solution to a specific challenge. Depositing large amounts of money in a bank account for example, or convincing a girl that she’d had a good night out and the conversation had gone further than the United game. His comeback presented more questions than answers: ‘So I could convince muggers that they’d already successfully robbed their victims.’ he declared as though it was the most obvious application in the world. Sadly, the journey ended before I got to hear the story, but makes you wonder doesn’t it?
Your friends last comment does bring up some good points. For example, with super powers comes super responsilbilty (or somethign like that.)
If you have super powers you should be thinking how would I stop super criminals?
Posted by: The Boy Who Likes To | Friday, 01 December 2006 at 09:55 AM
And there I was hoping to be entirely irresponsible! What would your Super Power be?
Posted by: Carlton | Friday, 01 December 2006 at 10:13 AM
Wait - wouldn't that last superpower mean you'd have to spend your nights hanging around unsavoury areas waiting for muggers to kick off and into action, just so you can use the power? No fun, shurely!
And wouldn't they go away thinking "Man, that was easy!! Oh wait, I'm STILL thirty pounds short of my next crack/xbox fix... Oh well, if they were as easy as that then the next will be a doddle" And henceforth would begin a never ending cycle of attempted muggings and mental projections.
My power is being able to make five pound notes magically appear in my trouser pockets...
Posted by: Moogster | Tuesday, 12 December 2006 at 03:09 PM