I object to being tutted at when I’ve tripped over someone else’s obstruction. There’s an increasing number of these infernal contraptions around. They used to be the preserve of holidays and airports; now they’re everywhere and every Tom, Dick and Harry has one, although mainly it’s Dicks. Suitcases I can understand: they are big bulky things always far too heavy to lift when full - you might as well fill a Volvo with your luggage and put a handle on it. But now, bags little bigger than purses have wheels. Presumably, it’s quite common to carry a lead ingot or two down to the local shops these days. It’s not the weight-related needlessness of these briefcases that causes the problem though. It’s the driving. Most people can’t steer a trolley around a supermarket without demolishing the odd pyramid of special-offer kidney beans so trailing a small vehicle behind them is almost criminally negligent. But it's the carelessness of out of sight, out of mind - if it's behind me, it doesn't matter - like the absence of rear-view mirror in Italian cars. And you can’t get round them as they amble along. Oh no. Not only does the drag of their super dense sandwiches slow these human tractors to a crawl, the combined width of them and their case blocks most walkways. Still, they stroll along blissfully oblivious to the growing crush of people behind. It’s only the occasional tremor of another poor soul having their feet whipped from under them that reminds the owner that their little chariot is there at all.
I would like to add to this.. the problems of the commute.. I must say I felt quite queazy setting out to walk to work the other day with that fresh breezy bounce down wood lane..
Posted by: kittenpenelope | Thursday, 16 November 2006 at 05:27 PM
oops this was meant to be in training but has ended up in trolleys..
your blog is infested with trolley obsessed aliens
Posted by: kittenpenelope | Thursday, 16 November 2006 at 05:28 PM
and I do not travel to work by trolley.. though that is an idea
Posted by: kittenpenelope | Thursday, 16 November 2006 at 05:29 PM